All keynote presentations are available on Keynote page as PDF.
UMAP – User Modelling, Adaptation and Personalization – is the premier international conference for researchers and practitioners working on systems that adapt to individual users, to groups of users, and that collect, represent, and model user information.
We wish to thank everyone, who took part of UMAP 2017. Re-experience it’s great atmosphere with these images.
SMAP 2017
UMAP 2017 is collocated with SMAP 2017 (Bratislava, July 9-10 2017)
HT 2017
UMAP 2017 is organized in close proximity of
HT 2017 (Prague, July 4-7 2017)
Latest News
Photo gallery was published. Thank you all for sharing your photos!
We have published page with Best student paper award and James Chen Best Student Paper awards.
We are pleased to announce that UMAP 2017 is again supported by Conference Navigator, a social system for conference attendees that provides personal scheduling, social linking and personalized recommendations of papers
As many of participants would know, UMAP has a neat tradition of singing at the conference dinner, where we cheerfully exchange examples of national songs performed by the participants. As organizers, we are already looking forward to this.
Conference schedule and complete program are now available:
We offer two versions of UMAP2017 logo (for dark and light backgrounds). Download ZIP with PNG files.
We are pleased to inform, that the mayor of Bratislava, Mr. Ivo Nesrovnal, has gracefully taken the auspices over UMAP 2017. Mr. Nesrovnal will address the conference participants during the welcome drink event, which will be held in the Hall of Mirrors of the Primate’s Palace at Monday, July 10th.
ACCEPTED PAPERS – DEMO, TOR & LBR are now published here.
ACM will send all materials published in the main and adjunct proceedings of UMAP 2017 to Elsevier for indexing.
We added new city-overview map. Check out our dedicated page: How to get there and choose the most suitable option.
We have published Main proceedings and Doctoral Consortium Accepted papers under Program menu.
Also check the new Student Support page, that is located under Registration menu.
The SIGCHI “Development Fund” provides resources to alleviate some of the constraints that can stifle the exchange of ideas across our diverse community and around the world.
See for more info.
We are introducing three UMAP 2017 keynote speakers! Learn more about their speeches.
Choose the accommodation for your stay on UMAP 2017. See accommodation page.
There will be generous student support for students with accepted papers, posters, demos or DC submissions, kindly provided by NSF, Microsoft, SIGCHI and SIGWEB. More details will be provided in due time.
We have new sponsor’s logos displayed on the Web! Lets check out our sponsors page.
We are pleased to inform that the New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia journal will feature a special issue on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization. During or after the conference, authors of selected UMAP papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers to this special issue.
Registration form was published. See full registration information or Registration form.
A principal list of Chairs with affiliations is now available in section
You can now see a complete list of important dates in the section

UMAP 25-th anniversary
Welcome on the site, we hope that you will find all the information you need.
The UMAP 2017 will be held at Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia in the new building of the Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies.
Sponsors and Supporters

The mayor of Bratislava, Mr. Ivo Nesrovnal, has gracefully taken the auspices over UMAP 2017.