Conference Navigator
UMAP 2018 is again supported by Conference Navigator for personal scheduling, social linking and personalized recommendations of papers. (more details)
Open Access to Proceedings
Links in the following pages allow free access to the conference papers maintained in the ACM DL: proceedings, adjunct publication.
Ways to the Conference Venue
To find ways from the airport, MRT stations, and hotels to the conference venue, please download the guidance here.
Program Overview Available
An overview of the program is available here. Detailed program (with location specification) can be found here.
Student Travel Support
UMAP will have over US$39,000 to distribute for student travel from SIGCHI, SIGWEB, NSF, Microsoft and User Modeling, Inc. (more details)
Call for Contributions
UMAP 2018 now invites contributions of regular research papers, workshop proposals, tutorial proposals, and demos, posters and late-breaking results. (more details)
ACM UMAP 2018 Online
We’re very excited that UMAP2018 website gets online!
More details are coming soon!
Please download the flyer and post it at your organization.